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Illustrator + Graphic Designer
Refugee day
Wall Art
The campaign #Versosrefugiats was made to commemorate the World Refugee Day
12 young local artists worked on different murals all over the town based on poems created on social media.
The mural in the photographies was made by me and Marta Pagès.
It was my first mural ever and I found it super exciting! Couldn't ask for a better friend to do it with!
David Mestrich, Alejandro Mengual, Andrea Linares, Chanine Boots, Adrià Alberich, Marta Pagès, Dani Fernández, Maria Palomo, Natalia Vazquez, Olga Alfonso, Jose Mª Huertas, Edgar Ajenjo i Hugo Sepulveda.
Together with the mural, we painted one of the windows on the town hall.
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